Lynette Osborn - Head Mistress / Faculty
Degrees is Political Science and Counseling, Lynette serves the primary role of educator at Asbjørn Academy. During undergrad while serving as a TA she became a master in grammar and writing. During her masters she focused on a cognitive approach to understand and help individuals. She has lead many organizations focused on serving under privileged populations and educating others. She is an invaluable assist and benefit to Asbjørn Academy as she acts as faculty of general studies and many specialty topics.
Eric Osborn - Faculty / Advisor
Degrees in Cellular and Molecular Biology with a focus in Mammalian Physiology. He teaches and tutors Math, Chemistry, Biology, and Physics. Starting as an adjunct professor during grad school he is a full time college professor in the life sciences. Eric is active in community improvement and student activities. At Asbjørn Academy Eric acts as science faculty, course builder, IT, librarian, and registrar.
Artio - Mascot
Artio comes from the Celtic culture where she is the Bear Goddess. She can transform from bear to her Goddess form. It's thought that Head Mistress Osborn is the Artio Goddess in disguise (no one has seen the mascot and the Head Mistress together).